On this hillside above the lake, 399 and her family find a few quiet moments to graze.

399 and her cubs walk along the rocky shore of Jackson Lake.

399 grabs a deep drink in the recently-thawed waters of Jackson Lake.

A walk along this lakeshore is a faster way to reach a distant flat than climbing through and around trees.

On the constant move,399 prepares to lead her cubs back across the Snake River.

399 and her four cubs swim and enjoy some fun in the water.

399 and two of her cubs emerge Willow Flats on their way to the river.

399 has to wait on her four cubs a lot as they make their toward Willow Flats!

Felicia, with her two cubs close at hand, checks out the valley below.

One of Felicia's two cubs, with a blaze like a prior litter's cub by this same mom, puts on some dance moves.